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Correlational studies on PTSD

Research methods essays are the hardest to write, but that also means you have the potential to easily distinguish yourself from the rest. The details in this blog post will help you do just that.

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Correlational studies are one of the most commonly used research methods in the study of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In this post we’ll review WHAT correlational studies are, HOW they’re used to study PTSD and WHY they’re used. We’ll also review three key studies that can support this explanation. 

Research methods essays are the hardest to write, but that also means you have the potential to easily distinguish yourself from the rest. The following will help you do just that.

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What is a correlational study?

Correlational studies involve gathering data on two or more variables (called co-variables) and calculating a correlation coefficient to see how strongly they are related. A positive correlation is when one variable increases so do the other. A negative correlation happens when one variable decreases while the other increases.  The coefficient can range in value from -1.0 to + 1.0. A zero would be no correlation, a weak correlation is about 0.2-0.4, moderate is 0.4 to 0.6 and anything over 0.6 is considered a strong correlation.

The volume of the hippocampus is one variable that has been correlated with PTSD symptoms.

How are they used to study PTSD?

Researchers gather data on the co-variables using questionnaires, interviews or other methods. In studies on PTSD, the Clinically Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) is the tool most commonly used to gather data on PTSD symptoms. This is a structured interview that measures the severity of PTSD symptoms. Participants scores are then correlated with another variable that is hypothesized to have an effect on PTSD symptoms. Examples include volume and activity in particular areas of the brain (e.g. the hippocampus), cognitive appraisal styles and income (see example studies below).

Why are they used to study PTSD?

Correlational studies are used on people who already have PTSD because it would be unethical to conduct an experiment where you expose people to traumatic events.

Correlational studies are commonly used when researchers are studying relationships between variables that cannot be manipulated in a laboratory setting. In studies on PTSD it is often the case that one or more of the covariables in the study would be difficult (if not impossible) to manipulate in a laboratory setting. It would be unethical, for example, to conduct an experiment to see if altering someone’s brain activity could cause symptoms of PTSD since this would cause harm (and might be irreversible). Animal experiments are a common alternative, but these are limited because animal models of PTSD might not generalize to humans. We can also only experiment on biological variables on animals, factors like income and appraisals cannot be manipulated in animal experimentation.

Another reason correlational studies are used is because PTSD is caused by experiencing a traumatic event. This makes conducting experiments difficult because it is unethical to traumatize someone for the purposes of research. Therefore, correlational studies gather data on participants who have already experienced some kind of trauma, like being in combat or a car accident.

Example Studies 

Are the studies above strong, moderate or weak correlations?

Exam Tip: The above three studies are excellent examples because they all used CAPs to measure PTSD symptoms and they also calculate correlation coefficients. They also represent each of the three approaches (biological, cognitive and sociocultural).


No discussion of the research methods used in the study of PTSD is complete without considering the downsides. Here are some questions to get you thinking about the limitations of using correlational studies in the etiology of abnormal psychology.

1. Correlation does not mean causation: This is the fundamental limitation of correlational studies. How can you make this point using the above studies? (You can watch this video explaining how to evaluate correlational studies properly.)

2. Analyze the correlation coefficients: Review the summary of weak vs. strong correlations at the top of this page. What can you say about the conclusions from this study? What should researchers (and readers) bear in mind when discussing these findings?


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