Exam Topics in IB Psychology Paper One

Travis DixonAssessment (IB)

The most important thing to know when studying for the IB Psychology exams are the topics. The IB Guide published by the IB has these listed. Unfortunately, the guide is a bit confusing in its layout and it’s not easy to see quickly and easily waht the topics are. That’s why I put them in this post.  Download the following …

Key Study: Schema Theory & the Superwoman Self-schema

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, Key Studies

Schema theory is one of the most important theories in cognitive psychology, but it can also be one of the more difficult theories to understand. The best way, I’ve found, to understand schema theory is to look at as many real-life examples as possible. In this post, we’ll look at a fascinating example – the AfricanAmerican Superwoman self-schema. A schema …

How to study for Paper 1 in IB Psychology
7 Simple Steps to Prepare for Section A: SAQs

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Revision and Exam Preparation

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “How should I study for the IB Psychology exams?” Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest questions to answer. In this post, I’ll do my best to plan out some really simple steps that might help for Paper 1. We’ll start easy and get harder so no matter what your …

Power Distance and Plane Crashes: The Gladwell Hypothesis

Travis DixonKey Studies, Social and Cultural Psychology

I recently read Malcolm Gladwell’s excellent book “Outliers.” In this book, Gladwell gives an interesting psychological explanation for why some countries have higher rates of plane crashes than others. The “Gladwell Hypothesis,” as it has come to be known, suggests that plane crashes can be explained by looking at cultural values. In particular, the cultural dimension of “power distance.” Power …

3 Easy Lesson Ideas: Reflecting on the IB Psych Course

Travis DixonTeaching Ideas

As many of us come to the end of our IB Psychology courses, it’s important to take some time to reflect on everything we’ve learned. This simple lesson idea is a good way for students to do that. It also provides some feedback for the teacher. Someone once asked me, “what’s the highest aspiration you have for your teaching?” It …

Health Project Week 1
Week 1 Instructions - Control Condition

Travis DixonHealth Psychology, Teaching Ideas

Week 1 is focused mainly on gathering a range of data on health habits (sleep, diet, exercise) and their psychological effects. The big job for students is to figure out what they’re going to measure and how.  Read more: Health Project Week 4 Health Project Week 3 Health Project Week 2 Health Project Week 1 Health Self-Experimentation Project Intro The …