Exam Question Bank: Paper 2: Abnormal Psychology

Travis DixonAbnormal Psychology, Assessment (IB), Revision and Exam Preparation

Disclaimer: These questions are not IB “official” questions and are written with our best guess as to what the probable exam questions may look like. Not every possible question is covered but rather a wide sample of questions has been asked so you can get an idea of the types of questions that may appear. Read More Biological approach core exam …

Exam Question Bank: Paper 1: Sociocultural Approach

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Revision and Exam Preparation, Social and Cultural Psychology

Disclaimer: These questions are not IB “official” questions and are written with our best guess as to what the probable exam questions may look like. Therefore, not every possible question is covered. Read More: IB Psychology Exam Question Banks Paper 1: Biological approach (Link) Paper 1: Cognitive approach (Link) Paper 1: HL Ext Bio Animal Studies (Link) Paper 1: HL Ext …

Exam Question Bank: Paper 1: Cognitive Approach

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Cognitive Psychology, Revision and Exam Preparation

Disclaimer: These questions are not IB “official” questions and are written with our best guess as to what the probable exam questions may look like. Therefore, not every possible question is covered. READ MORE  IB Psychology Exam Question Banks Paper 1: Biological approach (Link) Paper 1: Sociocultural approach (Link) Paper 1: HL Ext Bio Animal Studies (Link) Paper 1: HL Ext …

Cell phones at the dinner table – a qualitative observation (Radesky et al.)

Travis DixonQualitative Research Methods, Revision and Exam Preparation, Social and Cultural Psychology, Studies and Theories

Mobile phones are everywhere and they are consuming more and more of our time. Could this be having an effect on family life? The researchers who conducted this study wanted to investigate how cell phones might influence the interactions of parents and children.  The researchers used a nonparticipant, covert observational method by watching a total of 55 caregivers eating with …

Exam Question Bank: Paper 1: Biological Approach

Travis DixonBiological Psychology, Revision and Exam Preparation

Paper One has two sections – A and B. In Section A you have three compulsory short answer questions, one from each approach (biological, cognitive and sociocultural). In Section B, you have three exam questions, also one from each approach and you answer only one. This means you should prep all core approach topics for SAQs and you can choose one …

Exam Question Bank: HL Extension SocCult – Globalization

Travis DixonIB Psychology HL Extensions, Revision and Exam Preparation, Social and Cultural Psychology

One, two or all three essay questions in Paper 1, Section B will be based on the extension topics. Sociocultural Approach: Globalization Remember that the extension questions are created by combining the HL extension topics with the three topics in each of the approaches.  Sociocultural extension topics: “The influence of globalization on individual behaviour.” How globalization may influence behaviour The …

Exam Question Bank: HL Extension Cog – Technology & Cognition

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Revision and Exam Preparation

One, two or all three essay questions in Paper 1, Section B will be based on the extension topics. Cognitive Approach: Technology and Cognition Remember that the extension questions are created by combining the HL extension topics with the three topics in each of the approaches.  Cognitive extension topics: “Cognitive processing in the digital world.” The influence of digital technology …

Exam Question Bank: HL Extension Bio – Animal Studies

Travis DixonBiological Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Revision and Exam Preparation

One, two or all three essay questions in Paper 1, Section B will be based on the extension topics. Biological Approach: Animal Research Remember that the extension questions are created by combining the HL extension topics with the three topics in each of the approaches.  Biological extension topics: “The role of animal research in understanding human behaviour” The value of …

Key study: “On being sane in insane place” (Rosenhan, 1973)

Travis DixonAbnormal Psychology, Qualitative Research Methods

Rosenhan’s famous study attempted to demonstrate the unreliable nature of psychiatric diagnosis in the 1970s and how poorly patients were treated in psychiatric hospitals. While his methods were a little suspect, the study seemed to make the point Rosenhan was hoping for.  Background Information One of the most influential studies conducted investigating the difficulties in defining normality and abnormality, and …

Key Study: Childhood stress and its effects on serotonin (an animal experiment), (Gardner et al. 2009)

Travis DixonBiological Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Key Studies

This animal experiment by Gardner et al. (2009) could explain links between stress early in life when we’re kids and our behaviour as adults. The use of rats in this study allows the researchers to manipulate and measure IVs and DVs in ways that would be impossible in human subjects. The study provides possible explanations for why early life stress …