Should you study with music?

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology

I was 16 and studying for my big exams. I sat down at my desk and read a brochure my mum gave me. The first line said, “Turn off your music. Stop kidding yourself, you don’t study any better with it on!” I did and it helped. But were they right? As always in psychology, we have to ask ourselves …

Applications of the working memory model (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974)

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology

Theories and models in psychology can be evaluated based on their empirical evidence and their validity in explaining and predicting human behaviour. But they can also be judged on their productiveness – the extent to which they’ve inspired and provoked further research and applications in various fields. In this post, we’ll look at the various contributions the WMM has made …

Memory Effects & The Working Memory Model

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology

Want to improve your memory? The secret is to understand your working memory. In this post, we’ll review some factors that can reduce memory and then explain these using Baddeley and Hitch’s working memory model. The Articulatory Suppression Effect The articulatory suppression effect happens when memory decreases because researchers block (suppress) someone’s ability to rehearse (articulate) information they’re trying to remember.  …

How to answer Paper 3, Question 1 (a, b & c)

Travis DixonIB Psychology, Revision and Exam Preparation

The following has been adapted from our textbook “IB Psychology: A Revision Guide.” (Now available as an online textbook). All HL students should score 100% (9/9) for the first questions in Paper 3 because it’s so easy. But most don’t because they make basic mistakes. Let’s look at the best and simplest way to answer these three questions. We know …

Four things you didn’t know about the multi-store model of memory

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology

It’s in all the textbooks and every introduction to psychology course, but here are some things you didn’t know about Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multi-store model of memory.  #1. There’s a store within the store The short-term store is where we temporarily hold information in our working memory. If it’s rehearsed enough it will transfer to the long-term store. But did …

Limitations of the multi-store model of memory (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968)

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology

Atkinson and Shiffrin’s MSM is over 50 years old yet it’s still in every introduction to Psychology textbook and still influences modern psychologists. But it’s not without its critics. This post will examine some of their critiques. Because the MSM was so popular, it received a lot of criticism. But “…criticism could itself be viewed as a success, given the …

Key Study: Levels of Processing (Craik and Tulving, 1975)

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology

Background Information The multi-store model of memory (MSM), while straightforward, seemingly common sense, and with plenty of empirical support, is not without its limitations. Do you really need to pay attention to, and rehearse, all sensory information in order for it to be transferred to your long-term memory? Take, for instance, experiences of traumatic or emotionally shocking events (e.g. Flashbulb …

The multi-store model of memory (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968)

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology

50 years later and Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multi-store model of memory (aka the modal model) is still relevant today. This post summarizes the model in more detail than most introductory Psychology textbooks, which will give you the chance to distinguish your explanations from the rest.  Background The multi-store model of memory (the MSM) is a product of the cognitive revolution …

MUST READ: IB Psych IAs are now marked differently

Travis DixonAssessment (IB)

The first rule of IB examining is don’t talk about IB examining. I have broken this rule before by sharing valuable information with everyone (on the IB platform) and was kicked off marking. Watch video. I’ve waited patiently to see if the shocking change in the IB’s marking of IAs was reported in this year’s subject reports. It was so …