Key Study: Clinical bias and the effects of labelling on diagnosis (Temerlin, 1968)

Travis DixonAbnormal Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Key Studies

Clinical bias can affect the validity and reliability of diagnosis and one thing that can cause clinical bias is when a patient is labelled with having a particular disorder. Labelling theory usually refers to how a label can affect the individual being labelled, but it is also used to explain how others can treat someone based on their label. Effects …

Key Study: HM’s case study (Milner and Scoville, 1957)

Travis DixonBiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Key Studies

HM’s case study is one of the most famous and important case studies in psychology, especially in cognitive psychology. It was the source of groundbreaking new knowledge on the role of the hippocampus in memory.  Background Info “Localization of function in the brain” means that different parts of the brain have different functions. Researchers have discovered this from over 100 …

Computer games and the brain: A summary with two key studies

Travis DixonBiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Key Studies, Studies and Theories

In this post we look at the positive effects of playing computer games by looking at how it might affect the brain, both in young and old people. We know from many MRI studies that our brain changes as a result of experience – this is called neuroplasticity. Therefore, it’s not unrealistic to think that hours spent playing video games …

The negative effects of digital technology on cognition #2 (with key studies): TV, attention and working memory

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Key Studies

Technology’s Negative Effects on Memory Numerous studies have investigated the effects of watching television on working memory and executive functions because kids in developed countries tend to watch a lot of television. Watching TV for long periods of time might be harmful for cognition because it doesn’t require us to use our working memory, unlike other activities like reading, doing …

Technology and Memory: The negative effects of digital technology on memory #1 (and key studies)

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Key Studies

The following has been adapted from our exam revision book: IB Psychology: A Revision Guide (available here). This is relevant for the working memory model and also for the HL extension: the (negative) effects of technology on cognitive processes and the reliability of cognitive processes. In this post we look at the negative effects of computer games and other technology …

Can computer games improve working memory? A look at the positive effects of digital technology on cognition (and key studies)

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Key Studies

The following has been adapted from our exam revision book: IB Psychology: A Revision Guide (available here). This is relevant for the working memory model and also for the HL extension: the (positive) effects of technology on cognitive processes and the reliability of cognitive processes. In this blog we look at the positive effects of computer games and other technology …

Key Study: Bandura’s Bobo Doll (1963)

Travis DixonCriminology, Developmental Psychology, Key Studies, Social and Cultural Psychology, Studies and Theories

Introduction In one of his earlier research studies (1961), Bandura showed that children exposed to an aggressive model would later copy those same aggressive behaviours, even if the child was in a different setting. This supports the idea that behavior can be learned through observation, which is the major claim of Social Learning Theory (SLT). TV and films have become …

Tajfel and Turner’s Social Identity Theory

Travis DixonKey Studies, Social and Cultural Psychology, Studies and Theories

Why does my blog have three different posts explaining social identity theory? Because for the first few years teaching this theory I had to write it out for myself to fully comprehend it. It’s difficult to understand at first. My best advice is to always remember that its’ a theory of intergroup conflict (e.g. prejudice and discrimination), so think of real …